1. What is DNspector and why should I consider purchasing it?
DNspector was created to provide a low cost CAN monitor, primarily used by engineers and installation technicians to allow viewing of the packets on a CANbus network. DNspector may be set up for DeviceNet, J1939, or CAN Open format. DNspector is designed to handle the 29-bit extended CAN packets. With unlimited logging, message sending capability, and an easy to read DeviceNet Interpreter built in, DNspector can be plugged into any CAN network using an inexpensive dongle which communicates through a USB port on any computer that has the DNspector software installed.
2. What are the key features of DNspector?
3. Where is the DNspector User’s Manual located?
For DNspector User information please see the Menu Bar HELP item in the main application. Please see the Product Data Sheet and the Quick Start Guide for additional information.
4. How do I begin to use DNspector?
DNspector must be installed on a computer that has an optical disk drive, and a USB port running Windows XP, Windows 2000 or Vista. The USB dongle driver software is included on the installations disk, and must be installed
5. How do I Install DNspector?
6. Why does the dongle not connect?
DNspector expects a network connection which is terminated correctly and has at least one working device on the network. Also, if you attempt to browse the network, and no device responds with an acknowledgement pulse, the dongle will only output messages until its buffer overflows. DNspector is then forced to terminate the connection attempt. Be sure to have the baud rate set correctly for the device on the network.
7. Why is the Browse Button disabled while I am monitoring an active network?
When you are monitoring a live network, the master has connected with all the devices on line and therefore has exclusive access with all devices. DNspector is made to NOT interfere with the network while in operation. So, to browse the network, the master scanner of the network must be disconnected or disabled.
8. Why does the Live Screen display nearly 2000 messages, then just stop?
Due to limitations of the control used to display the live data on the network, only about 2000 messages can be received without any chance of missing messages. If an on going display of live messages is required, you may set the Live Screen to Auto-Display by going to the menu and selecting Network, then Auto Reset Live Screen. This displays 2000 messages, then clears the control and displays 2000 more messages without losing ANY messages. Once the message limit is reached, it will clear the control, and display the batch of messages. This will repeat indefinitely, until you disable the Live Screen.
9. What does browsing the network do for me?
Browsing the network allows you to see what devices are online and their Mac Address actually is. It also brings in the Identity Object's content. This may be seen by going to the menu and selecting Network, then select the Net Configuration View menu item. It also allows DNspector to get the active Producer/Consumer sizes thus allowing DNspector to know the poll sizes. This allow the fragmented messages to be correctly notated in the frag column.
10. What is the EDS system?
EDS stands for "Electronic Data Sheet", and is used extensively in the Automation/PLC Industry to describe everything anyone would want to know about the device. DNspector has a built in EDS library. Selecting the EDS menu item, then Config Network, DNspector will display a split screen that allows you to load EDS files into DNspector's EDS library. Once the EDS files are loaded, you can drag the EDS identifier from the right half of the screen to the left half, into the device MacId slot and drop it. This allows you to pre-setup a network so that onsite browsing is unnecessary. You can also edit the poll sizes to conform with the networks polling configuration.
11. What Does Rockwell Point I/O compatible mean?
Rockwell made its Point I/O devices with a 2 byte instance value instead of only a single byte. So "normal" systems might have have trouble working with them, while DNspector can detect a Point I/O device and alter its messages so that THAT device can talk with them.
12. Why is there a Master MacId and a Monitor MacId?
This allows DNspector to know what MacId is used as a master, and allows the operator to know what messages have been sent by DNspector. It is NOT advisable to use the master's MacId, due to the possibility of introducing conflicting messages on the network that contain the same source MacId.
13. What is the Function of the Special Connect button?
While DNspector has quite a few available baud rates that can be used by simply selecting it from the Network Setup dialog. In some instances, odd, or non-standard baud rates may be necessary. The BTR values must be computed using the formula for NXP xxx-1000 running at 12mhz.
14. What is the difference between Logging and Capturing?
Capturing is done to a predefined file, which is hidden from normal user access. You may capture messages for any length of time required. While you may view it, and print it, you CANNOT save it as a file.
Logging allows you to save as much as your disk drive can hold, since DNspector uses multiple files to store the data. Since the disk operating system marks the create date and time, you always know when the file was started. The messages are stored with the time of reception into the user named files. A maximum of three million messages are stored in a file, and DNspector will automatically rotate the files, rather than just creating one large file. DNspector, however, will read these files as if it were one very large file. A logging session can can go for more than 30 days at a time, while maintaining a reso
lution down to the millisecond. You can adjust the size of the logging files under the File Menu and the Setup File Size option. 3 million messages per file is the largest value permitted.