EtherNet/IP to Reliance AutoMax Gateway AN-X-AMX

EtherNet/IP to Reliance AutoMax Gateway, non-CE


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Recommended replacements: AN-X3-AMX

The AN-X-AMX Gateway provides a migration path for users looking to upgrade Reliance AutoMax DCS or Remote I/O networks. The AMX gateway has multiple operating modes, these operating modes are all included with the AN-X-AMX and are selected during initial module configuration. The operating modes include DCSNet2, a bridge between EtherNet/IP and a DCSNet network; DCSLOG, for logging DCSNet traffic; AMXRIO, a bridge between EtherNet/IP and AutoMax Remote I/O; and AMXCapt, a Remote I/O or DCSNet data capture tool.

Características y Beneficios

Migration Specifications

In the DCSNet2 operating mode, the gateway acts as a bridge between Ethernet/IP and a Reliance AutoMax DCSNet network. The AN-X removes the hardware dependence on specific AutoMax interface cards (ISA, PCI, PC Card) allowing any computer or PAC with Ethernet/IP to connect to a DCSNet network.

  • DCSNet Master or Slave
  • Supports Reliance AutoMax programming software
  • Supports up to 15 scheduled connections to a ControlLogix processor, DCSNet2
  • Supports EtherNet/IP HMIs to AutoMax controllers

In the AMXRIO operating mode, a PC or PAC on Ethernet /IP can connect to a Reliance AutoMax Remote I/O network. The module acts as a master on the AutoMax remote I/O network.

  • Scan up to 7 slave drops
  • Supports up to 248 words of scheduled output data and up to 250 words of scheduled input data
  • Scans AutoMax remote I/O racks and heads
  • Maintains diagnostic counters

Troubleshooting Specifications

In the DCSLOG operating mode, the gateway connects to the AutoMax DCSNet network, listens to every value of each DCSNet
register, looks for changes and then timestamps the values.

  • Data logging with millisecond time stamps
  • Does not occupy a drop on the network or affect existing network traffic

In the AMXCAPT operating mode, data can be captured, stored and then analyzed on a Reliance AutoMax DCS or Remote I/O network. Examine the behavior of all drops, verify network data and timing, locate network errors and troubleshoot problems with the network and with the process.

  • All network frames are captured and stored, with timestamps to microsecond precision
  • Post-capture filtering process to select frames of interest for further analysis
  • Typical capture file size is 2.5 mb/minute, 150 mb/hour, 3.6 gb /day
