AN-X-PB,PROFIBUS Multi-Slave or PROFIBUS Network Analyzer Gateway

PROFIBUS Multi-Slave or PROFIBUS Network Analyzer Gateway, non-CE


The PROFIBUS Multi-Slave or PROFIBUS Network Analyzer Gateway has two distinct operational modes.  The first mode, PROFIBUS Multi-Slave, enables the transfer of large amounts of data from a PROFIBUS DP Master controller to EtherNet/IP and/or Modbus TCP-enabled PLCs.  The Multi-Slave functionality allows up to 15,250 words of Input and Output data to be transferred without requiring multiplexing PLC code to be written in a traditional single slave solution. The second mode, PROFIBUS Network Capture, facilitates the capture, logging, and filtering of packets on a PROFIBUS network without interrupting the running production network.  This enables a root cause analysis to be performed on the captured PROFIBUS packets which aids in the identification of complex issue(s). 


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